Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back with the team

Joined the team for the first time this morning. 16 miles that tested me several times. As always, the group thinned at each surge and at the turn around I began to struggle with the pace. The traffic and lights actually conspired WITH me today and I managed to finish with the group. By my watch we ran a 7:34 pace. Since I have not been wearing a watch I now know that I was NOT running as fast as I thought. We pick up the steady state runs starting this Thursday so that will get the turnover rate going again. I think the best way to descibe my current place in the group is that they all graduated with the class but I got held back a year. They all know if they get tired of my whining they can drop me at any time. And I now know that I'll have to work damned hard to keep that from happening!