Yesterday I came across a name from my ancient past. Jay Menna and I met at UT, hung out together for several years. There was one trip to the beach that shall not be discussed on a public blog. There was an original blues composition titled "I've Got Flat Tires" but I can't remember the words. He was in our wedding party (25 years ago Tuesday!). Anyway I found him on Facebook and promptly sent a friend request, not certain he would remember me. Well he did and one of his first comments was he plans to run Grandma's Marathon in Diluth in 2 weeks! We're going to get together tomorrow for lunch a catch up on the last 24 years.
Yesterday was school board night and we went kind of late. Family matters delayed me getting to bed until after midnight and with school out for the summer, there was no mandatory alarm set this morning. I slept 'till 8:30 and didn't head out for my run until 9:30. Ran a loop from our house out D-K Ranch, Raincreek, Lost Horizen, Raincreek, Great Hills, Jollyville and back for 15.6 miles at a 7:37 pace. I'm sitting at 50.5 miles for the week with 3 days left. The new lacing pattern on my shoes has made a big difference.
Humans were Born to Run Barefoot
15 years ago