Saturday, October 10, 2009

Boston - 192 days

Today was the beginning. No formal training until November 3 but I hooked up with Damon/Kamran/Jason and went for a 5.6 mile run at a 7:35 pace today and began visualizing the Boston course. I booked airfare on JetBlue, non-stop on Saturday. I booked hotel reservations at the Marriott in Cambridge. I looked up the CSU charter bus info from Duke last year. I am going for a sub 3 at Boston. After the fantastic experience at Portland, I am willing to go for an intermediate goal if the training does not fall into place but I plan to make every effort to get there. That means cutting 6 minutes and 6 seconds off my Portland time. That means cutting my pace from 7:06 per mile at Portland to 6:52 per mile. I plan to train at the 100 mile per week level this time around. That should net about 2,200 miles between now and Boston. That will burn through 5 pairs of shoes plus 1 for race day. I will eat and burn about 672,000 calories.