We walked Eileen to school this morning and stopped in the office to get an explanation of the nasty letter from AISD threatening to take us to court for allowing our daughter to miss 3 days of school. We had sent a note explaining we were taking her out so she could go to her big sisters wedding. We got a nice shoulder shrug along with, "if she isn't home sick with a doctor's note it will be counted as unexcused" for a response. NOW I remember why we started Chaparral Star Academy!
Left the school and got in a 5ish mile run while Ruth Anne walked home. Tried to pick up the pace a bit today just to limit the shock to the system when I run IBM Sunday. I have a plan for Sunday but I am not going to share it just yet. I'll see how it goes on Sunday and post about it when I'm back home. Maybe.
Humans were Born to Run Barefoot
15 years ago