Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Not ouch but owie

Had a great easy run going this morning until the 8.5 mile mark. That little blister I got at Zooma must have suddenly rubbed raw and boy does it hurt. I stopped and retied my shoe, didn't help. I had to take off my socks and run really slow back home. I'll get a couple of toe condoms today and should be able to keep up the mileage while it heals. Before my toe blew, I was thinking of the folks in our group who have suffered injuries this training session. Having been one of the fallen on several prior occasions, I am telling myself that I can't feel guilty for feeling good. I can sympathize and console but I've worked hard to get back from my injuries and need to stay focused on my race. That little bit of guilt just keeps nibbling at the back of my mind though.