It didn't occur to me that Facebook would publish my Birthday so I was surprised to find the first of many birthday wishes in my inbox yesterday. As much as I don't like the fuss, it helped to make it a great day. Topping it all off, Ruth Anne and Eileen took me to the new Flemming's in the Domain and I had a perfectly prepared Fillet with grilled asparagus and a salad. Not the best meal to eat before a 16 mile run but worth every bite!
In my last post, I mentioned that this week marks 5 years since I took up running. Team Rogue is running the marathon as a training run this year. As a coach, I feel that I should be on the course offering encouragement to my runners so I'm not running the marathon again this year. In fact, I enjoyed cheering so much last year that I have been looking forward to cheering again this year. But, I do need to get in my long run this week and I have to keep up with the team SO, I am planning a 24 mile run starting at 4am Sunday morning on my own to reflect on how marathoning has changed my life. My plan is to run from my house hooking up to the RunTex 2 RunTex route at Gateway, then jumping onto the Marathon course (backward) at Bull Creek to Enfield then cutting over to Rogue Equipment by 6am to meet up with my runners. Then accompanying the group to the marathon start before heading out Congress/Speedway and back on the course at 46th over to the Thunderbird Coffee House to meet up with Ruth Anne and Eileen for breakfast. Then we will find a spot somewhere around IMF to cheer for the runners. I am looking forward to being out on the course early watching the crews setting up water stops and putting out cones and barriers. I am really looking forward to the energy I'll get back from cheering for everyone racing.
Now I'm going for my 16 miler with hills. UPDATE: Whoo Hooo! I rocked it today! Heading out the door, I decided to run the route so that Raincreek and Floral Park came near the end (like Boston). After 2 miles of warming up, I began to push the pace and clocked 8 miles at 6:55 pace! Cruised through the Raincreek and Floral Park hills and finished 15.8 miles in 1:58:54 for 7:31 average pace. There were 2 runners going up Raincreek and I blew by them like they were standing still. Better yet, I was able to get back to a 7:10 pace for the final 3 mile stretch. While running, I finalized my plans for marathon day cheering. If you are running the Austin Marathon this Sunday YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS IT!
Humans were Born to Run Barefoot
15 years ago