Chaos at the Collins' home. Everything was going good. Ruth Anne and I were up, coffee was made, dogs were fed and I was logging yesterday's run in my book when: "Daddy, mom say's I'm running a fever". Uh oh. I need a run, we have a meeting at 10, need to get Elizabeth's car in for a repair estimate, can't find my running jacket, can't find my keys, it's cold (explains why I'm looking for my running jacket), the horse needs to get fed and her pen mucked out. We managed to get everything worked out, oldest daughter came to stay with Eileen, I got my 10 miles in, made our meeting, dropped off the car, had lunch at Progress and picked up my running jacket and running pants with keys in pocket from Ruth at Rogue. Except for the insurance thing. I have been calling every 30 minutes or so for several hours now and I get a busy signal or an anwering machine every time I call. The repair shop said this is a hard company to deal with so I am already prepared for a fight and the longer it takes to get my claim in the madder I'm going to get when they start dragging their feet or trying to put me off.
Anyway, enough of that crap. Last week's mileage 77.15 year-to-date 451.2. I'm trying to figure out what to make of the scheduled mileage cutback prescribed in the macro I received from Ruth. I have been on the 90 MPW schedule BUT have averaged just under 80MPW for the past 6 weeks. Do I cut back 20% from the 90 MPW schedule I've been following or from the actual mileage I've been actually running? Are there office hours this week? Inquiring minds want to know.
Humans were Born to Run Barefoot
15 years ago