After my exuberant run yesterday, I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to maintain pace today. I have decided to use the 3 hour paces and see if I'm able to hang. I don't yet know if that is the goal at Boston. Steve instructed us to run the 4 mile tempo section at 1/2 marathon pace. Based on the Rogue pace calculator that would be a 6:31 pace. I was all over the map (6:38 6:27 6:50 6:10) but it averaged out to exactly a 6:31 pace. Then we headed to the track for 4x200 @ 5k pace. Since we didn't know what pace before we arrived I guessed at a 6:00 pace and hit that exactly. The calculator tells me it should have been 5:58 but I'm not going to sweat that little difference.
Overall I felt pretty good. Keith was right on my heels during the Enfield rollers and I would probably have slowed more without him breathing down my neck. That reinforces the importance of running with the group on the hard workouts.
Humans were Born to Run Barefoot
15 years ago