I spent Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday constructing the chicken coop. Well technically, I've constructed the chicken run and still need to add the coop and nests, but those are simple cabinet construction that will be hung an the walls of the run. The construction involved a lot of heavy lifting, ladder climbing and endless nailing of wire staples. My hands feel like they've been stepped on by an elephant, my right gluteus maximus has a knot the size of a grapefruit and my back must have been manipulated by a pretzel maker. So my run this morning was a recovery run from chicken run construction. At the start I felt like crap and decided I even looked somewhat like a chicken trying to run. Once I loosened up it actually felt like a pretty decent run. I didn't wear my watch but I'm guessing I averaged better than a 7:30 pace.
Humans were Born to Run Barefoot
15 years ago