Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cold Front and Deer

I checked the temp while making coffee this morning: 72 degs. I checked the temp beofre I headed out on my run: 52 degs. I checked the temp when I got back from my run: 46 degs. I ran in wind and light rain for most of my 10 miles this morning. Not one of the regulars was out so it was a solitary run. Thats OK. The only item of interest was at one of the 4 way stop signs. I arrived just as a car to my right stopped so I was looking at the driver to see how we were going to work this out. Well, she was looking behind me and pointing. I glanced over my shoulder and there were 20 deer trotting along in the middle of the road about 20 feet behind me. They followed me like that for about 3 blocks before turning into a wooded lot. Another easy 10 notched as the anticipation for SB II grows.