Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thats a wrap

No alarm set this morning. Slept till 8:15! Haven't managed that for months. We have a busy day scheduled so I had to get out the door for my run. Did my usual 10 miler on a crisp and sunny morning. Lots of walkers and joggers out today, even saw Jack on the Bike near my turn around. Didn't wear the watch so no recorded pace info but I felt pretty good after nearly 25 yesterday. Ended the week with 70.4 miles even missing 2 days of running. This coming week marks the last hard week of Boston training. Then we start the peak phase before racing on April 20th. I am beginning to incorporate the race plan into my visualization process now. The hardest part is going to be holding back on the first 15 miles. I have trained for so long to attempt a 6:50 pace that an average pace of 7:12 for 15 miles will seem pretty easy. Historically, I have had great difficulty picking up the pace after running more than a few miles. Even in training it has been hit or miss when closing or on soul busters. I'm not too worried about the Newton Hills. My breathing will limit the exertion level. The biggest concern is the final 4 miles. They are nearly flat and I struggle to hold pace on level ground. I worked on that a bit yesterday but without mile markers or Geek-O-Meter I don't know if I was successful. I am glad to have a plan this time. The challenge for me now is to execute that plan.