Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Shoes Ahhhhhh

My 2 pair of Asics Piranhas arrived yesterday. I've labled them Pair 1 and Pair 2. I plan to alternate runs in them until they each have 40 or so miles then pick one to race in. I'll limit the miles to less than 60 on the race pair. Today I walked Eileen to school and started my run there. I have a 10 mile route starting at the school but I don't like the 2 miles of running along Jollyville Rd with no sidewalk. I'll have to see if I can create a better route for the future. Didn't wear my watch but I felt relaxed and smooth. A little tired from yesterday's workout but no pains. Tomorrow will be a circus and I may not be able to get the run in with the team. Bad weather would actually help me out in that regard.